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Pet Age’s audience is made up of leaders in the pet supply, merchandising and service markets. 80% of our readers identify as decision-makers in their organization making it the perfect place to reach industry leaders. It’s the ideal target audience for businesses focused on driving faster growth. We have trusted relationships with our audience and deep insights into who they are and what they care about. Our direct relationships with leaders in the pet industry provide first-party data to ensure your message is delivered to the right audience in an efficient and ethical way.

We put together all of our insights into this complimentary guide: Get Your Marketing Right: New Strategies to Connect with Retailers. Download this complimentary content now and get definitive advice for: 

  • Identifying your best prospects 
  • Crafting a message that compels a meaningful response 
  • Developing a multi-channel communications plan 
  • Timing your efforts for the best results 
  • Best ways to measure success and optimize

This simple guide provides many ideas and tips on making every aspect of reaching and persuading your audience work harder. Effective marketing today puts the audience at the center of everything you do.

Download your free copy of Get Your Marketing Right immediately by filling out the form.