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Best Friends Animal Society Launches National Action Week for Animals to Advance No-Kill Goal

By Pet Age Staff//June 11, 2024//

Best Friends Animal Society Launches National Action Week for Animals to Advance No-Kill Goal

By: Pet Age Staff//June 11, 2024//

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Best Friends Animal Society, a leading animal welfare organization working to end the killing of dogs and cats in America’s shelters in 2025, has announced its National Action Week for Animals (NAWA), scheduled from now to June 15. This nationwide initiative invites animal lovers and advocates to join a collective effort to end the killing of dogs and cats in America’s shelters in 2025.

“National Action Week for Animals is more than an event; it’s a movement,” said Julie Castle, CEO of Best Friends Animal Society. “Whether you’re a seasoned advocate or new to the no-kill movement, your actions can save lives. By becoming involved you can help turn your community into a haven for homeless pets in search of a loving home.”

Despite recent strides, significant challenges remain. In 2023 alone, while 2.3 million dogs and cats found homes, there were 345,000 fewer adoptions than in 2019, leading to 426,000 dogs and cats being unnecessarily killed in shelters last year.

“Roughly seven million people in America are planning to acquire a pet this year, and if just six percent more people chose to adopt instead of purchase, we could end the unnecessary killing of dogs and cats in our nation’s shelters,” Castle emphasized. “By providing comprehensive tools and training, we aim to empower individuals nationwide to make a significant impact in their local communities and help us achieve the goal of a no-kill nation in 2025.”

Throughout the week, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Engage with Online Workshops and Webinars: These sessions will teach advocates how to campaign for no-kill resolutions and build community support effectively.
  • Participate in Advocacy Actions: From writing to local legislators to organizing community events, these actions are designed to be accessible yet impactful and suitable for all experience levels.
  • Save Them AllSupport Best Friends’ mission to create a no-kill nation in 2025.
  • Join the National Day of Action: Commit to taking one small advocacy action for animals on June 15 to help animals find homes and end the unnecessary killing of dogs and cats in shelters.


“Find your local action team, talk to your local officials, and we’ll teach you how,” Castle added. “Every action counts, and every advocate matters. Together, we can turn the vision of No Kill 2025 into a reality.”

Best Friends is dedicated to demystifying the goal of no-kill in 2025. By breaking it down into tangible steps, NAWA clarifies how each person’s efforts contribute to the larger vision.